There are four major types of fireplaces on the market. Choosing the ideal fireplace for your home can be challenging. Make the process easier by learning a little about each type:
Ethanol Fireplace
One of the newer types of fireplaces, ethanol brings a sense of modernity and is ideal for homes built with contemporary designs. This type of fireplace can be located just about anywhere in a house. They do not require venting, but you must take certain safety precautions: Ensure that ethanol is properly refilled and avoid spillage, as the fuel is highly flammable.
Electrical Fireplace
This type of fireplace is also a good choice for modern homes. Electric is considered the most cost-effective fireplace, since the heating function can be turned off while the flames continue to burn. They come in various designs, including mantel and entertainment centers. Mantel designs are made to mimic original wood fireplaces while entertainment centers come as a combination of TV station and a fireplace. Entertainment centers are great for apartments and condos with limited space.
Gas Fireplace
Gas fireplaces produce heat equivalent to a wood fireplace but at a lower cost. To get the feel of a wood fireplace, getting a vented gas fireplace is a nice option. It burns with a yellow flame, similar to a wood fireplace. For a more contemporary look, a ventless gas fireplace is an option, but burns with a blue flame.
Wood Fireplace
A wood fireplace gives a “homey” feel and is suitable for homes with more rustic designs. Larger houses are likely to have storage space for fireplace logs. This fireplace requires a chimney for smoke and burning wood byproducts to escape. Regular chimney cleaning services are required so the fireplace functions efficiently and safely.
If you are in Navan, Ottawa and require reliable chimney cleaning services, please call us at Dr. Duct. We are a BBB accredited chimney cleaning company with a highly dedicated team of cleaners. Our 15+ years of experience reflects a history of customer satisfaction.