When you think about preparing your heating system (or HVAC) for winter, you might consider having the heater itself checked out by a professional and making sure that you have clean air filters put in. However, there is one equally important step that is sometimes forgotten: having your ductwork checked. For a quality HVAC system in Ottawa, call Dr. Duct.
Without ductwork, your heating system cannot do its job of distributing warm air throughout the home. However, many people don’t think about their ductwork at all. If you have not had your ductwork inspected and cleaned by a professional in a long time, now is the time to do it.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
Ductwork passes air throughout your home all season long. Along with pushing warm air through the vents to help heat your home, ductwork also might transport dust, pet hair and other debris from room to room. It can be easy for this debris to make your ductwork dirty, which results in dirty air being created everywhere in your home.
Dirty air deposits miniscule debris onto furniture, floors and carpets, necessitating more dusting and vacuuming. It also allows allergens to permeate your home and affect indoor air quality. Periodic duct cleaning can help remove this debris. If you or someone else in your home suffers from asthma or allergy symptoms, it’s particularly important to improve your indoor air quality. You might just find that these symptoms are lessened or disappear once your ducts have been professionally cleaned!
Get Your Ductwork in Shape
Along with making sure your ductwork is clean, professionals will look for holes or other types of damage present. If there is ductwork damage, warm air has difficulty travelling through your ducts. This can increase hydro bills, and make your home colder during wintertime.
Don’t ignore your ductwork. For professional duct cleaning, contact Dr. Duct to set up an appointment and improve the environment of your home: (613) 845-0707